Ice - Ice Baby...
Performance & Etching
Vlado & Maria Ondrej - Atelier für zeitgenössische Radierung Leipzig und Oupa Sibeko aus Kapstadt (Südafrika)

performance: Oupa Sibeko
sound: Vlado Ondrej
location: Leipzig / Spinnereistraße 7 / Hall 18 / Basement Corridor
documentary interpretation: Igor Fürnberg and Hagen Wiel
Oupa Sibeko is an interdisciplinary artist whose work moves between theatrical, gallery, scholarly and other public contexts, overtly dealing with matter and politics of the body as a site of contested works.
Vlado Ondrej and Maria Ondrej are artists whose work is about graphical thinking and who draw "lines" across borders again and again, in order to question and transcend them again with their own lightness. Since 2009, the two run the "Atelier for Contemporary Etching Leipzig" a publishing house for original etchings.
A heartfelt thank you for support to:
L I A - Leipzig International Art Programme,
Auswärtiges Amt Deutschland,
Bronwyn Lace, Co-founder & Director of THE CENTRE FOR THE LESS GOOD IDEA (Johannesburg) Founded by William Kentridge the Centre aims to find the less good idea by creating and supporting experimental, collaborative and cross-disciplinary arts projects.
and David Krut Projects

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